Advent & Christmas Reflections from Fr Stirniman

Advent & Christmas Perspective & Ideas

Advent & Christmas Perspective & Ideas ~ As we gear up for the busy-ness of Advent and Christmas, let us make a firm resolution to keep Christ at the center of these seasons.  Here are some suggestions: * make certain you have an Advent Wreath and light it as many evenings throughout Advent as possible (wreath lighting … Read more

Pastor’s Reflection on the First Sunday of Advent

Pastor’s Reflection at First Sunday of Advent ~ The season of Advent begins the Church’s liturgical year. Certainly it is proper for us to have spiritual resolution for this “new year.” Advent prepares us for the coming celebration of Christ, at Christmas. Looking at Advent a bit more broadly, we prepare for Christ’s coming at … Read more

Pastor’s Reflection on the Second Sunday of Advent

Pastor’s Reflection on the Second Sunday of Advent ~Sin puts locks on the door of our heart against the Lord, Who wishes to enter, and sin blinds us to His truth, goodness, and beauty.  It also causes a waxy build-up on our souls so grace cannot penetrate it.  There is a reason John the Baptist … Read more

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Pastor’s Message on the Fourth Sunday in Advent

Pastor’s Reflection on the Fourth Sunday of Advent ~God sometimes writes with crooked lines and He sometimes writes with lines we don’t always readily understand. This is one truth that is made manifest in the Isaiah prophecy, “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel.” Certainly Isaiah didn’t … Read more

Pastor’s Christmas Message

Pastor’s Christmas Message “And suddenly, there was a multitude of the heavenly host with the angel, praising God and saying: Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” (Lk 2) Indeed, God has re-established peace with His people by the sending of His Son, Jesus Christ. … Read more