Sacraments of Christian Initiation

The sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Holy Communion are the foundation of a spiritual life.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church briefly summarizes the importance of these sacraments....






We would love to welcome your child into the Catholic Church and celebrate this special sacrament with your family! To begin the process of having a child baptized at either Holy Trinity or Historic St Patrick, please contact Jen Lonergan at the Holy Trinity Parish Center....

If you would like a copy of your baptism certificate, please contact our Parish Office (309) 829-2197. Requests for baptism certificates are processed  once a week.

The Eucharist (First Holy Communion)

The Sacrament of First Holy Communion for children is done as a student through either Corpus Christi grade school or through the CCD program. ...

For more information, or to register for CCD, please contact Lucy Reynolds.



The Sacrament of Confirmation for young adults is done as a student through either Corpus Christi grade school; or through the CCD program. ...

For more information, or to register for CCD, please contact Lucy Reynolds.


RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)

If you are an adult interested in joining the Catholic Church, or if you have not received the sacrament of First Holy Communion or Confirmation, please contact David Liptak (Evangelization & Discipleship Coordinator) for more information or to register for RCIA. 

Classes usually begin in the fall, with eligible candidates brought into the Church at the Easter Vigil Mass in the spring.

Sacraments of Healing

The Catechism of the Catholic Church briefly summarizes the importance of these sacraments.....




First Reconciliation

This sacrament is usually received before First Holy Communion through either our CCD program or attendance at our Corpus Christi Catholic School, and it is recommended that individuals participate monthly.

If you are interested in learning more about receiving First Reconciliation as a child, please contact Lucy Reynolds (CCD Coordinator)....

Anointing of the Sick

This (under-utilized) Sacrament was given to us by Jesus for the healing and well-being of those who are sick, both physically and spiritually.  Catholics who have at least reached the ‘Age of Reason’ and who are gravely ill and/or who have chronic affliction(s); ...

*If you need an emergency anointing outside of office hours for a medical emergency only, please call the office at 309-829-2197 and enter extension 3.

Sacraments at the Service of Communion

The sacraments at the Service of Communion are Matrimony and Holy Orders.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church briefly summarizes the importance of these sacraments.

"Two other sacraments, Holy Orders and Matrimony, are directed towards the salvation of others;....



Holy Orders

The Sacrament of Holy Orders is one in which the Tradition and mission given from Jesus to Peter continues to be passed down from priest to priest through all time.  It is a sacrament of apostolic ministry. ...

If interested in the priesthood or religious life, contact Fr Jeffrey Stirniman.


We would be honored to work with you as you prepare to be married in the Catholic Church at one of our parishes. ...

To begin the process, please contact Jen Lonergan at 309-829-2197 ext 231 for a brief phone call for information gathering and an explanation of the process. We ask that you contact the office at least nine months prior to your preferred wedding date.