Ministry Scheduler Pro - What Is It?
What is Ministry Scheduler Pro?
Ministry Scheduler Pro (MSP) is used at Holy Trinity to specifically schedule
Altar Servers
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC).
This program allows us to take into consideration individual preferences when scheduling as well as maintain an accurate database of all our ministers.
How do I obtain a profile?
Once you have completed training for your respective ministry, the Ministry Scheduler will enter your information into Ministry Scheduler Pro and send you your username and password for accessing your profile online. You will need to provide an email address and phone number that can be used to contact you both automatically from the Ministry Schedule Pro and to be listed in the Minister Roster for fellow ministers to contact you for sub requests.
Why do I have a profile?
Your online profile allows you to regularly update your contact information, preferences, and availability. You can also view the current Schedule and request replacements for Masses in which you are scheduled to serve.
Unable to serve?
If you are unable to serve when scheduled, it is important you find a replacement in a timely manner. Finding a replacement can easily be done through the Ministry Scheduler Pro website. Log into your account and click "My Schedules." Next to the date you are scheduled to serve click "Request Sub." You may also look under the "Roster" tab to obtain names and phone numbers of fellow members and call them directly if you are not available. Before each new schedule is published, you will be reminded to update your profile and mark off any Mass times or dates that you are unavailable. This will prevent scheduling conflicts.
Automatic Emails
Most email communication will come from the email address: Be sure to check your SPAM folder if you are not receiving any emails from MSP. On occasion you might get an email directly from one of the ministry coordinators.
Contact a Ministry Coordinator
Complete the form below to contact a ministry coordinator:
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
When coming forward to assist with the distribution of Holy Communion please wait to exit your pew to approach the sanctuary until the priest has finished receiving the Precious Blood.
While distributing Holy Communion during Mass, it is up to the individual EMHC to determine whether or not to wear a mask. However, please continue using hand sanitizer before distribution of Holy Communion.
Primary and secondary positions diagram for all four stations:
- Extraordinary Minister with ciboria will start at the transept then come alongside the priest or deacon.
- Extraordinary Ministers starting at the transept will move to the pillar.
Saturday vigil and Sunday morning Mass we will use four ciboria and four cups for the distribution of the Precious Body and Blood of Christ. Please note this includes ciboria for the priest and deacon (i.e. Two Extraordinary Ministers will distribute the Body of Christ and four Extraordinary Ministers will distribute the Precious Blood).
The Extraordinary Minister with ciboria will start at the transept then come alongside the priest or deacon.
For the Extraordinary Ministers distributing the Precious Blood two Extraordinary Ministers will be stationed at the bottom of the steps in front of the sanctuary. Please position yourself about five feet in from the corner of the steps. The other two Extraordinary Ministers will begin at the east and west transept. When finished at the transept move positioned to the first pillar along the side of the east and west transept (see diagram).
Four EMHCs will approach the altar the 2 EMHCs in the middle will be designated to distribute the Precious Blood. If/when you are one of the EMHC who receives the Cup and purificator, please refrain from distributing the Cup to the other EMHC's who will be beside you, since they will very likely have already been handed a ciborium and thus, will not be able to handle the Cup sufficiently.
Following distribution of Holy Communion in the main body of the church, the EMHC assigned to the west transept will proceed to the back of the nave to communicate any parishioners who are unable to come forward (ushers will help point them out) then proceed to the choir loft. When finished, the ciborium should be placed in the alternate Tabernacle on the West side of the choir loft.
An ablution bowl and purificator will be placed on the credence table. Please purify your fingers following the distribution of Holy Communion.
Unconsumed Precious Blood
Whatever Precious Blood is not consumed by communicants, the EMHC's distributing the Cup will be asked to go to the Credence Table and consume the remaining Precious Blood and then placing the empty Cup and purificator on the Credence Table. The Deacon of the Mass (or else, the Priest of the Mass) will purify the Cup after the conclusion of Mass.
If the EMHC distributing the Cup does not wish to consume the remaining Precious Blood, bring the unconsumed Precious Blood to the Altar (instead of the Credence Table) for consumption by the Priest or Deacon of the Mass.
Please Note:
Attire should be in keeping with guidance from the Catechism of the Catholic Church 1387b: “Bodily demeanor (gestures, clothing) ought to convey the respect, solemnity and joy of the moment when Christ becomes our guest.” Appropriate attire includes dress pants and a collared shirt or nice sweater; skirt or slacks with blouse/sweater. Please note: no jeans or shorts.
EMHC Outreach
Holy Trinity now has Eucharistic ministry to two area care facilities in Bloomington. As part of this expanded Eucharistic ministry as an EMHC, you serve on a rotating basis with others after Holy Trinity Parish’s Sunday 10am Masses. Initially, we have two EMHCs each Sunday that visit Westminster Village. Also, we have one EMHC who visits Goldwater Care Facility on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month.
Immediately after receiving Holy Communion during the 10am Sunday morning HT Mass, the EMHC proceeds to the Altar and collects a designated pyx with consecrated Hosts and goes to either Westminster Village or Heritage Manor, to distribute Holy Communion to the Catholics. At Westminster, Catholics will be gathered the community room at the facility. Martin and Goldwater are distributed in the individual resident's room.
Altar Servers
We would like to thank all the servers who were able to assist at the altar during the past quarter. Please remember that servers are asked to arrive 10 to 15 minutes before Mass. Those who do arrive at least 15 minutes before mass, and stay long enough after mass to clear the credence table, put out the candles, turn off the sound system and neatly hang up there alb, will receive 1.5 hrs. of service time. We will continue tracking attendance. We understand that unanticipated things can and will occur, so servers that do secure a sub to fill their assignment, will not be counted as absent.
Servers that miss 3 or more of their assigned masses in any given quarter, depending on the circumstances, may not be scheduled going forward.
Lectors are not required to wear masks while serving. Mask are optional. If you choose to wear a mask, please remove it which speaking.
For special yearly Masses, when there are choices for the readings, the Lector Coordinator will work with Priest/Deacon in advance of the Mass date so that you will be aware of which reading are to be used. This information will come in the form of an email at least one week in advance of the Mass date.
For some daily and weekend masses, there are short and long readings. Please prepare for the Long version. Before Mass, you can ask the Priest if the Short version is acceptable and change to the short version for that Mass if directed.
It’s requested that you arrive at your schedule Mass date at least 15 minutes before for any special directions.
It’s requested that you position yourself at the North Door entrance of the Church at least 5 minutes before the Mass start time to prepare for the processional entrance.
If you are unable to serve on any of the Mass dates you are schedule, it’s your responsibility to use the MSP program to request a sub. If no one accepts the sub request online, there is also a Roster of all Lectors in the MSP tool you can use to contact other Lectors directly.
If you are unable to serve on any of the Mass dates you are scheduled, it’s your responsibility to use the MSP program to request a sub. If no one accepts the sub request online, there is also a Roster of all Ushers in the MSP tool you can use to try and contact other Usher directly.
We will resume the traditional method of collections.
Please bring the collection at Offertory time. All these things (bread & wine and Parish Petition Book and Collection) are to be brought forward at Offertory, but the two ushers are to then receive the Children’s Basket and then continue on, into the sacristy to “stash the cash” as it were. Hopefully you can always manage to get at least two people to bring the bread, wine, and Book; if not, please do so yourselves.
These greeter positions have be established.
Greeter - North Door
One person, to be positioned at the main front middle door before and after Mass. Responsibility includes opening the door and providing a friendly greeting to our parishioners. In addition, please hold the middle front door open for those exiting Mass and if possible, have a companion hold the door closest to Main Street open as well.
Greeter - Elevator
One person, to be positioned between the elevator and middle church doors at top of stairs to greet those coming off elevator and additional greetings at top of stairs.
Greeter - Gift bearers
A family or individual assigned to present the gifts during Mass. Please bring the Petition Book along with both the Gifts (bread and wine) up during the offertory.
Greeter - Bulletins
Two people to hand out bulletins after Mass. One between church doors on elevator side and one on the opposite side.
If multiple people in family for any greeter positions of North door, Elevator, or Bulletins; they can assist as additional greeters at top of stairs before Mass, and after Mass they can help with the additional North door that is open after Mass. Obviously, each greeter position will still have the “request a sub” feature.
If you are unable to serve on any of the Mass dates you are schedule, it’s your responsibility to use the MSP program to request a sub. If no one accepts the sub request online, there is also a Roster of all Greeters in the MSP tool you can use to try and contact other Greeters directly.
You can access the Ministry Schedule MSP full web application by clicking on the Image below:
You can also get the mobile app version on your phone by clicking the images below.
After downloading, you'll need the following Organization ID to sign in: htminister
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