Pastor’s Reflection on the First Sunday of Advent

Pastor’s Reflection at First Sunday of Advent

~ The season of Advent begins the Church’s liturgical year. Certainly it is proper for us to have spiritual resolution for this “new year.” Advent prepares us for the coming celebration of Christ, at Christmas. Looking at Advent a bit more broadly, we prepare for Christ’s coming at Christmas. Additionally, we prepare for Christ’s SECOND coming; and the proper and effective way we carry out this preparation is by having and keeping our spiritual resolutions . . . along with the daily help the Church provides us: with Her Sacraments, Her prayers, and the virtues by which She reminds us to live. May all of us this Advent season, resolve to not be drawn into the consumerism of our culture’s misunderstanding of this season but rather, keep Christ at the center of this season . . . and ALL seasons of the liturgical year.