Advent & Christmas Perspective & Ideas

Advent & Christmas Perspective & Ideas

~ As we gear up for the busy-ness of Advent and Christmas, let us make a firm resolution to keep Christ at the center of these seasons.  Here are some suggestions:

* make certain you have an Advent Wreath and light it as many evenings throughout Advent as possible (wreath lighting prayers can be found both in the bulletin and on our website)

* attend the Illinois Wesleyan University's Christmas Concert at Holy Trinity Church on Sunday, December 3rd, at 3:00pm;

* include some spiritual testimonial or religious insight in the Christmas cards you write and send;

* pray the 'Christmas Novena', beginning December 16 and ending on Christmas Eve day;

*  listen to beautiful religious Christmas music;

* put a Nativity Scene somewhere prominent in your home;

*  when hosting a Christmas party, start with a prayer and have a Christmas prayer at all the table settings;

* place religious items in your front yard for all to see;

* consider spending time in Eucharistic Adoration;

* engage yourself more deeply in a relationship with Jesus by going to Confession;

*  attend at least one weekday Mass throughout Advent and Christmas;

* volunteer in a parish ministry or outreach ministry.

Additionally, we have a webpage designated to Advent and Christmas. Take some time to see what is available there to enrich your spiritual life. I pray you have a happy and holy Advent and Christmas.

~Fr Stirniman~