Since 2015, the Catholic churches in Bloomington-Normal have collaborated to operate the soup Kitchen Loaves and Fishes, located at St. Mary’s Church, 527 W. Jackson Street in Bloomington. The kitchen began at the Holy Trinity Church parish center in 1983 through the leadership of Tina Sipula and relocated to St. Mary’s in 2001. When Tina retired in 2015, all the Catholic churches in the area agreed to continue her legacy.
Pope Francis said in December 2013 that “the church, each of us, as one single human family, have to give a voice to all of those who suffer silently from hunger, so that this voice becomes a roar which can shake the world.” For 35 years, Tina Sipula has been this roaring voice in the Bloomington area. Our local Catholic parishes are grateful for her devoted service and are committed to carrying on the important work of feeding the hungry. This work is now the result of the many volunteers who give so generously of their time and talents to provide lunch at no charge to those in need.
If you wish to make a cash gift to Loaves and Fishes, please send checks payable to Loaves and Fishes, Holy Trinity Church, 711 N. Main Street, Bloomington IL 61701. For more information about the soup kitchen and how to volunteer, contact Rose Grampp by email at trgrampp@aol.com.