Why ChristLife?
ChristLife is a three-step evangelization process that is changing lives and transforming parishes.
Discovering Christ invites anyone and everyone--from the baptized in the pews to the person who has never entered a church-- to hear the Good News and personally encounter Jesus Christ. Learn more at christlife.org

Discovering Christ
Discovering Christ is a 7-week experience that invites people to heat the Good News and personally encounter Jesus Christ. .
Register for the first of three courses here.

Following Christ
Following Christ is a 7-week journey that explores and encourages Catholic discipleship.

Sharing Christ
Sharing Christ is a 7-week mission that trains Catholics to share Jesus Christ with others and invite them to be a part of the Church.
Meal & Fellowship
The meal is a time to welcome guests with hospitality, foster relationships, and grow in friendship with one another.
The prayer time consists of offering the time to the Lord and helping everyone become comfortable praying together.
Video Teaching
The video sessions proclaim, with beauty and simplicity, the core Gospel message and invite participants to make a personal response to Jesus Christ.
Small Group Discussion
The small groups are a place for people to freely share what they think and feel about the topic discussed in the teaching.