Vocation Ministry Spotlight

 Holy Trinity & Historic Saint Patrick Vocation Ministry Committee


God calls us to follow a specific path in life. He may lead us to married life, single life, religious life, the diaconate or the priesthood.  Because of free will, we are not required to follow God's plan, therefore, not fulfilling His purpose for us.    It is no secret that many Catholic families  do not encourage their children to consider a religious life. 

The vocation committee is a group of parishioners from Holy Trinity and Historic St. Patrick whose goal is to raise awareness  and provide the incentive to not overlook the possibility for vocations within our families and within our community.  We do this with prayers for vocations, encouragement for Seminarians and those preparing for religious life, and  by planning small awareness events for both of our parishes.  If you are someone that has been praying for vocations on your own, you may want to consider joining our committee.

If you would like more information please contact Connie Ley at cley@ilstu.edu or 309-530-9865 or Deacon Michael Marvin at  mma1113@msn.com or 309-825-0662


Giving Tree – Jan 2022

With Christmas coming to an end, our 2021 Giving Tree has also come to a successful end.  While COVID made it quite a bit different, we were still able to help those in need.

Starting back in September, our committee of Jamie, Megan and Diane contacted and coordinated wish lists from 55 individuals of all ages from 25 local families in need.


They created virtual signups, shopped for unclaimed items, wrapped anyunwrapped gifts, and organized it all to be delivered to the correct families. Susan worked on making winter hats for those in need.  This ministry is no small feat and required parish effort!


Additional volunteers were needed for deliveries in time for Christmas. Many thanks to Megan, Dave, Kait, Noah, Nora, Ruby. Luke, Liam, Jeff, Kylie,  Reed and Don. 

Without the combined efforts of our parishioners, we would not have been able to finish another successful Giving Tree for our parishes!     

*If you would like to join our giving tree efforts next year, please contact Jen or Elaine at the Parish Center.


Hospitality – Jan 2022

If you have ever attended a monthly Breakfast at Holy Trinity, Chili Cook-off or Trivia Night then you have experienced the Hospitality Group.

They serve various breakfasts from simple coffee & donuts and breakfast pizza to pancakes & sausage and even omelets on Super Bowl Sundays.  They are a small group with friendly smiles and welcoming hearts – always looking to welcome more members for the occasional event.  Remember, “Many Hands…”  Their Mission is to foster community within our Parishes and be a welcoming place for all. 

If you would like to join our committee, we have two options:

1 - join our committee and help plan and serve at our events

2 - join our email list to be notified of our upcoming events and ways that we could we use help for certain events such as set-up or tear down. (This option would be a no-commitment way to serve on an as needed basis)

*If you have teens needing service hours, this is a great way to get them!

If you have any questions, or would like to be added to our list, please email Brenda Jenkins at dbjen07@yahoo.com

We look forward to welcoming new members and continue serving the parishioners of Holy Trinity! 

Join us for the next Welcome Weekend Breakfast & Ministry Fair on Sunday, January 9th after the 10am Mass in the lower level of Holy Trinity!

Elizabeth Ministry – Nov 2021

Introducing the Elizabeth Ministry 

Did you know that we have had an active Elizabeth Ministry for over 20 years?  Haven’t heard of the Elizabeth Ministry? 

Elizabeth Ministry is an outreach program in our parish that offers support, resources, prayers and understanding during the joys and sorrows of the childbearing years. Among the many ways the Elizabeth Ministry supports other women is by offering reassurance and encouragement for those pregnant or caring for a newborn, reaching out to those who have experienced miscarriage or infant/child death, assisting parents involved in the adoption process, reaching out at times of infant and child crisis, and continually seeking strength and grace from Mary, Our Heavenly Mother.

"Women of all ages participate in the Elizabeth Ministry – all women are mothers, either physical or spiritual. Each called to support and encourage other women in their own special way."

One of the ways that the Elizabeth Ministry celebrates motherhood is by providing a small gift bag for those baptized here. The small gift bag includes a prayer for mom, a prayer for baby, a book of prayer for baby, and a ‘baptism’ bear. 

These are purchased through funds raised through their annual cookie sale in December. Not only does it provide funds to purchase ‘Baptism’ bags, but it also allows them the funds to purchase flowers to distribute on Mother’s Day. Cookies are homemade and provided by parishioners like yourself and those in the Elizabeth Ministry. 

Do you feel called to participate in the Elizabeth Ministry, or just want to know more?  Check out their flyer here, or contact any of the ladies listed below for details:

Charlene 309-706-5828, Kristen 309-830-1281, or Kathy 309-825-2434

Or send an email to: elizabethministry@holytrinitybloomington.org