Baptism Class – August 5

6:00pm on Monday, August 5th at the Holy Trinity Parish Center.

Please call the Parish Center at 309-829-2197 by Friday, August 3rd to register.

Search & Rescue Book Study

Search and Rescue—How to bring Your Family and Friends Into – or Back into – The Catholic Church.

Book study will be held on Wednesday evenings September 4-November 6 from 6-7pm. *Registration required. Register below or call the office.

From Sophia Institute website:

You don’t have to become a biblical scholar or a theologian to be an effective spokesman for the Catholic Faith. In fact, even though you don’t know all the answers and can’t explain every aspect of the Faith, you can begin winning souls to the Church right now…using prayer, friendship, and common sense.

It sounds almost too good to be true, but in Search and Rescue Patrick Madrid explains why these are among the most effective, time-tested methods for bringing family and friends into – or back into – the Church. As the publisher of Envoy magazine, author of many apologetics books (including Surprised by Truth 2), and a veteran defender of the Faith, Madrid himself has used these methods successfully for years. But Madrid doesn’t give you only the benefit of his own considerable experience: in Search and Rescue he also includes simple and genial advice from St. Francis of Assisi, St. Augustine, and other great lovers of God. Get Search and Rescue – the book that shows you how you can start winning souls for Christ today!



Very useful advice on how to prepare yourself and how to lead others to recognize the truth of divine Revelation and join the Catholic Church that Jesus founded. This reading can renew your life – and the lives of many others.

Christoph Cardinal Schönborn

How do you bring a friend or relative back into the Church? First, you pray. Then, you follow Patrick Madrid’s advice in Search and Rescue.

Edward Cardinal Egan

This is necessary spiritual reading for Catholic apologists.

Francis Cardinal George

Spiritually wise, morally honest, and psychologically sensitive advice about the most forgotten yet the most crucial dimension of Catholic evangelism, the personal. No tricks here, just sound, Catholic, traditional common sense. Don’t evangelize without it!

Peter Kreeft

Even St. Monica would have benefited from reading this book in her effort to bring her son, St. Augustine, into the Catholic Church!

Rev. Andrew Apostoli



Natural Family Planning Awareness Week July 21-27.

This week highlights the anniversary of the papal encyclical Humanae Vitae (July 25) which articulates Catholic beliefs about human sexuality, conjugal love and responsible parenthood. It is a prophetic document by St. Paul VI and can be found at
vi_enc_25071968_humanae-vitae.html. Every Catholic should take the time to read it! The dates also mark the feast of Sts. Joachim and Anne (July 26), the parents of the Blessed Mother. Pope Francis has designated that feast as World Grandparents Day.

Natural Family Planning is one of the best kept secrets in the Catholic Church. If you are a newly engaged couple, newlywed couple or a married couple who have not learned about NFP, the Couple to Couple League is excited to share with you a new video-based program that introduces couples to Natural Family Planning. It is called “Natural Plan.” It’s a little over an hour and it will change how you think about faith and fertility. Natural Plan is a video series featuring doctors, scientists, clergy, fertility coaches, NFP teachers, couples who practice NFP and newlyweds, who come together to share their experiences and insights about fertility awareness, from a Catholic perspective. The videos are lively and interesting. You can sign up to watch it together as a couple in your own home. To find out more visit, In addition, visit our website,, to get more information about building a strong and healthy marriage consistent with God’s plan for love, life and marriage.

Contact Kathy Wieland at for questions.

There are displays at both of our churches with more information about Catholic teaching on love, marriage and family. Check it out!

SAVE THE DATE! Parish Picnic – July 26

Parish Picnic Friday July 26th

From 5-8pm at the SVDP parking lot weather permitting. (It will be moved to HT Lower Level if needed.)

Food & drinks will be provided. Music Ministry provided by ReZound!