ChristLife Sharing Christ – Feb 3

Mondays Feb 3-Mar 17

6:30pm –8pm at HSP Hall (No Meal)

Everyone is called to share the Good News. Those of you who participated learned about Jesus’ Great Commission and received practical tools and encouragement to lead others to Him. This is how our Church grows!

You heard the Gospel in Discovering Christ and grew as disciples in Following Christ. Now it’s time to share Christ. You may be intimidated by evangelization. These sessions show how simple it is, because of the sharing of their own love for Christ. Watch and learn how to shed fears and embrace the call to go make disciples. There will be prayer time allowing people to continue going deeper in group prayer and worship.

Each week, we will learn practical ways to share our relationship with Jesus Christ in our daily encounters with people as we discuss the instructions from the video and actions items from the last session. Each session includes activities to help participants begin to evangelize in their daily lives. As Matthew Kelly askes, “If not you, then who will lead those to God.” Join us as we continue to “Grow Disciples” by Sharing Christ.

ARAS Valentine Breakfast – Feb 9

8:30am-noon on Sunday, February 9 at HSP Hall

ARAS invites everyone to the Valentine Breakfast on Sunday 2/9/25 at the HSP Hall. Starting at 9:00 – Noon. Pancakes, Sausage, Eggs, Coffee, and Juice with fixins provided. Donations accepted.

People of the Promised Land Part II – Jan 8 thru May 21

6:30-8pm Wednesday evenings Jan 8th thru May 21st
Historic St Patrick Hall

Call 309-829-2197 if interested in attending

As we explore People of the Promised Land Part II, we will see that God is at work to reclaim and restore what sin had ruined. We will see that God is active in history, in cultures and in individual lives to accomplish His purpose for His creation. The entire Bible, Old Testament and New, is God’s story. He is the author and its focus. No story is greater; no promise truer; and no message more urgent. Come and join fellow Christians as we explore the Books of 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, and several others. These books, along with the entire Bible, depict the greatest events in history as they are all part of God’s plan to save the world from sin and death through His Son, Jesus Christ. Through this study and active group discussion, look to God to transform your life as you ask Him to help you to follow and trust Him more each day. Please join our Bible study starting at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 8 at Historic St. Patrick’s Parish Hall. The meeting will adjourn promptly at 8:00 p.m. Our final Bible study will conclude on Wednesday, May 21. Each week there will be bible readings, questions & answers, group discussion, “food for thought” notes, and group prayer. We will also serve light refreshments. The study group will be coordinated by Kevin and Becky Vannatta. Please join us for these learning and fellowship meetings. It will be a great way for you to get to know some of your fellow Christians and to prepare for Lent and Easter.

Big Game Sunday Viewing Party Potluck – Feb 9

Sunday, February 9th
Holy Trinity Lower Level
What to Bring:
A dish to share
What’s Provided:
We will provide beer

It’s first and ten and The “BIG GAME” is just a few weeks away. You know that Game that’s Super! Being played in a Superdome in New Orleans shaped like a Big “Bowl.” Whether you have plans or not, whether your team is still in the mix or was out of it by Christmas, come join us as at The Super Big Game viewing party on Sunday, Feb 9th in the Holy Trinity Lower Level with Big Screen and Big TV viewing options.

It’s a Potluck event with plans for a Taco bar, a Chicken Wing/Bites Table, and quite possibly some pulled pork. Feel free to bring something to share if you can, though it is not necessary to attend the watch party. Bring a friend or two. We will have beer from Casper Brewery, Sangria Punch, both regular and no octane, water, lemonade, and coffee. You are welcome to bring your own beverages if you desire.

Doors will be open at 3:30 pm. Kickoff at 5:30. Get here early if you want a “comfy” seat or bring your own if you are so inclined. There should be plenty of seating otherwise. Looking forward to seeing you there.

May your day be blessed
David Liptak
Evangelization & Discipleship Coordinator

OCIA January Topics

Everyone is invited to attend any class of interest with no
registration required.

Jan 2: No Class—Happy New Year!

Jan 9th                 The Sacrament of Holy Orders              Deacon Al Lundy

By Baptism, all the members of the Church share in Christ’s holy priesthood.  It is called “the common priesthood of the faithful”.  To perpetuate this priesthood, Christ gives to his Church the ordained ministries of bishops, priests, and deacons through the Sacrament of Holy Orders.  The three degrees of the Sacrament of Holy Orders, bishop, priest, and deacon are all conferred by ordination.

Sacramental signs are natural and carry a divine meaning as established by Jesus. The ministerial priesthood is more than a pastoral service: it ensures the continuity of the ministry Christ entrusted to the Apostles. They represent what they signify by a natural resemblance.  When the priest acts in the person of Christ, he takes on the role of Christ, being His recognizable representative.  The deacon has a special attachment to the bishop in the tasks of service and is configured to Christ, the Deacon or servant of all. By Baptism and members of the Church we too are called to be disciples and to serve.  


Jan 9th                  The Sacrament of Marriage                     Nick Becker

God created man and woman out of love and commanded them to imitate His love in their relations with each other. Man and woman were created for each other and are equal in human dignity, and in marriage the two of them become one body, both are united in an unbreakable bond. This covenant between baptized spouses has been raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament protecting the essential purpose of marriage: the good of the couple and the generation and education of the children. Both husband and wife accept the responsibility of helping the other realize their eternal reward of heaven.           

acramentals and Popular Devotion                Carl Wenning  

Sacramentals are sacred signs that resemble the Sacraments in the sense that they signify spiritual effects that are obtained through the intersession of the Church. The Church instituted sacramentals to sanctify certain ministries, states of life, and the variety of situations in which Christians are involved. They included blessings, actions such as processions, pilgrimages, prayers such as the Rosary, novenas, litany’s, Stations of the Cross, and objects such as holy water, palms, ashes, candles, and medals.  While the liturgy is “the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed” it isn’t possible for us to fill up all our day with participation in the liturgy. According to the teaching of the apostles we must pray without ceasing.  When properly used popular devotional practices don’t replace the liturgical life of the Church: rather, they extend it into daily life helping to foster our “ceaseless” prayer.


Jan 23rd                Life In Christ: Part 1                                     Dave & Molly Kistner

Our Morality Part 1  

Jesus was frequently called teacher or Rabbi. The Ultimate teacher of morality. He taught us about God His Father and ours, about His mercy and forgiveness of sin.  He taught about the Kingdom His Father established, about Himself as the Servant of God, to bring about conversion. He taught His disciples how they were to live to achieve fullness of life as is God’s will for all people. Jesus reiterates the fundamental importance of the Ten Commandments for a moral life, and then calls for a detachment from material goods and their distribution to the poor. Jesus gave us the blessings and virtues from His sermon on the Mount foundations for Christian discipleship. We can effectively lead a moral life through practice of both the Theological and Cardinal Virtues.  Jesus taught us that love is at the heart of all law including the love of my enemies. 

Rosary Cenacle Group – Jan 26

1pm on Sunday, January 26th at HSP Hall
Our Rosary Cenacle is meeting again Sunday January 26th at 1pm. Potluck lunch, so bring a dish to share!

Any questions, please call David Busch at (309) 838-4063. Come join us!