Ignite Student Ministry Upcoming Events


Ignite Student Ministry exists to reach all teens for Christ, and serves as the unified Catholic High School Youth Group in Bloomington-Normal. Please scan the QR Code and fill out the form to register and join the group!

  • 11/24: All High Schoolers are welcome to join
    us TONIGHT for Friendsgiving at Central Catholic HS from 6:00-8:00pm! Bring a dish of your choosing, and come see us for a potluck get together at the school!
  • 12/1: Another Mass and Meal coming your way! Come join us for 5:30pm Mass at Epiphany, and stick around for pizza, fellowship and games!

Bishop Tylka State of the Mission Address

In this latest update, Bishop Louis Tylka discusses the state of our mission, reminding us that although we have many challenges ahead, through the Five Foundations we have much to be hopeful for as we embark on a renewed path forward to go out and proclaim the Gospel, making and growing disciples of Jesus Christ and becoming a more vibrant, mission-driven Church, alive with the Holy Spirit. You can view Bishop’s letter here: https://cdop.org/pastoral-plan/latest…

Elizabeth Ministry

Elizabeth Ministry offers support, resources, prayers and understanding during the joys and sorrows of motherhood.  We celebrate births, offer comfort in loss, encouragement in adoption, help in times of need or crisis continually seeking strength, wisdom and grace from Mary, our Heavenly Mother.

If you are interested in getting involved or we can help you in any way, please contact us at elizabethministry@holytrinitybloomington.org.


Traveling Tapestry and Traveling Crucifix

The Vocation Ministry needs your help to continue to build a culture of vocations in our parishes and our diocese. Consider taking the traveling tapestry at Historic St. Patrick’s or the traveling crucifix at Holy Trinity home for a week. The sign up is located at the St. Therese statue at St. Patrick’s and in the back of the church at Holy Trinity. The process is simple – sign up, take the tapestry or crucifix into your home for a week, pray during the week and return at the end of the week. You can pray the rosary, the chaplet of divine mercy, or any prayer of your choosing. Here is one possibility:

O Mary, St. Therese ever turned to you in love, telling you her desires in simplicity and trust, and begging you to speak of them to Jesus. With her, we ask you to offer our prayers to your Son for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life in our diocese. Place within the hearts of men and women a love which is strong enough to lead them to devote their lives to the service of the Church. Help them to respond to your Son’s call with a love that will spend itself in service to their brothers and sisters. St. Therese, Patroness of Vocation, Pray for us!

Any questions, please contact the Parish Office at 309-829-2197.

Do you have loved ones who want Holy Communion in their home?

Do you have loved ones who want Holy Communion in their home?

~ Our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHCs) are wishing to bring Jesus, in Holy Communion, to your Catholic loved ones and friends. If you/they are associated with Holy Trinity Parish, please send an email to office@holytrinitybloomington.org for Kirsten Feldker,
the EMHC Coordinator for HT; if you/they are associated with Historic St Patrick Parish, please send an email to office@historicsaintpatrick.org for Leslie Fahnders, the
EMHC Coordinator for HSP. Additionally, you can call the
Parish Office at 309-829-2197. Thanks.
~Fr Stirniman~

Lost & Found Baskets

Lost & Found Baskets

Please check the baskets for missing items.
The baskets are quite full after the Easter season. Our Lost and Found Baskets are located in the back of each of our church buildings near the podium with the petition book.

Did You Know? Hearing Assist System Available at Holy Trinity

WaveCast Hearing Assist at Holy Trinity

For those who would benefit from additional hearing assistance, a new system called WaveCast is available at Holy Trinity. It requires a smart phone and either Bluetooth enabled hearing aids or earbuds (wired or wireless) for those whose hearing aids are not Bluetooth enabled.

For more information, please see a greeter for directions on getting connected.

Mass Prayer Team Ministry

Mass Prayer Team Ministry

Sunday mornings after the 10am Mass
Prior to the Coronavirus Pandemic, there were Prayer Teams available after the 10am Sunday Mass to pray with, and over, those in need of prayers. We are happy to announce that the Mass Prayer Team Ministry has returned.

If you would like to know more information, please call the Parish Center at 309-829-2197.