6pm Friday, February 7th at Epiphany
Holy Trinity & Historic St Patrick Churches
Bloomington, IL – Catholic Diocese of Peoria
6pm Friday, February 7th at Epiphany
11:30am Feb 13 at Olive Garden
Celebrate Valentine’s Day! YAH is sponsoring a Valentine Luncheon at the Olive Garden, Veteran’s Parkway and Empire, Bloomington, on February 13, 2025. Seating will begin at 11:30 am. You will order off the menu. Come enjoy a delicious meal and conversation with friends. Everyone 50 years young and older is invited. Reservations appreciated by Feb. 10.
Reservations: blm.normal.youngatheart@gmail.com or call 309-452-7976.
Emmaus Knights
For Young Men Grades 7-12
Spring Dates: 2/16; 3/9; 4/13 from 4:30pm – 6:30pm
Join Fr Chase for a Sunday night of faith, fraternity, and formation at the Emmaus House, 2327 W Heading Ave, West Peoria
Emmaus Knights is an experience for young men who desire to grow in friendship and faith with some food and some fun. If you loved Emmaus Days, come and check out Emmaus Knights.
Fathers, drop your sons off and stay for a time of fraternity.
Scan the code to register and complete a digital permission form!
Ignite Student Ministry exists to reach all teens for Christ, and serves as the unified Catholic High School Youth Group in Bloomington-Normal. Please scan the QR Code and fill out the form to register and join the group!
1/19: Sunday, January 19th will be our Word of The Year Night, as all High School students are welcome to join us for a night of goal setting, reflection, and guided prayer!
6-8pm at St Patrick Merna
1/26: Sunday, January 26th will be a Serve Day, as all High School students are meeting at St Mary’s in Bloomington to help serve and participate in The Secular Franciscan Order Little Christmas Potluck! 2-4pm at St Mary’s in Bloomington
Coffee Meet Up ☕️ Saturday, February 1 at 9 am
Uncoupled Catholics will have its monthly coffee meet up at Lvl Up Coffee Bar in Normal. Come meet a great group of Catholic singles from Bloomington-Normal and surrounding areas! For questions, email uncoupledcatholics@gmail.com.
Valentine’s Day 💕meetup at 2 pm on February 16.
Come have coffee and cookies and other baked goodies at 405 N. Main Street, the Ivy Lane Bakery, with the Uncoupled Catholics of Bloomington-Normal Area. For questions, email uncoupledcatholics@gmail.com.
Coffee Meet Up ☕️ Saturday, March 1 at 9 am
Uncoupled Catholics will have its monthly coffee meet up at Lvl Up Coffee Bar in Normal. Come meet a great group of Catholic singles from Bloomington-Normal and surrounding areas! For questions, email uncoupledcatholics@gmail.com.
Mardi Gras Dinner 🎭Tuesday, March 4 at 6 pm
Uncoupled Catholics will kick off Lent this year with a Mardi Gras buffet event at Pizza Ranch located at 1211 Holiday Drive in Bloomington. We will meet in the foyer then eat to our heart’s content before we begin our fast on Ash Wednesday! For questions, email uncoupledcatholics@gmail.com.
August 18-21, 2025 to Irondale, Alabama
Catholic Spirit Radio Network invites you to join them on a Pilgrimage to Mother Angelica’s Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, Alabama and EWTN Studios in Irondale, Alabama from Monday, August 18, 2025 to Thursday, August 21, 2025.
For more details go to our website: catholicspiritradio.com and click on the EWTN Pilgrimage tab in the menu. There is limited seating and the Early Bird Special ends on January 31, 2025. For questions, call Kathy at (309) 828-6554 or Jerry at 630-514-6221