With Christmas coming to an end, our 2021 Giving Tree has also come to a successful end. While COVID made it quite a bit different, we were still able to help those in need.
Starting back in September, our committee of Jamie, Megan and Diane contacted and coordinated wish lists from 55 individuals of all ages from 25 local families in need.
They created virtual signups, shopped for unclaimed items, wrapped anyunwrapped gifts, and organized it all to be delivered to the correct families. Susan worked on making winter hats for those in need. This ministry is no small feat and required parish effort!
Additional volunteers were needed for deliveries in time for Christmas. Many thanks to Megan, Dave, Kait, Noah, Nora, Ruby. Luke, Liam, Jeff, Kylie, Reed and Don.
Without the combined efforts of our parishioners, we would not have been able to finish another successful Giving Tree for our parishes!
*If you would like to join our giving tree efforts next year, please contact Jen or Elaine at the Parish Center.