Mass Intention Guidelines for Holy Trinity & Historic St Patrick

For reference, there are about 248 weekday and weekend Masses per year at Holy Trinity that can have Mass intentions. There are about 156 weekday and weekend Masses at Historic St Patrick that can have Mass intentions. First Fridays, Holidays, Holy Days and Masses said for the parishioners of our parishes are not included in this number . Due to the number of regular Masses, we’ve had to limit requests to six public Masses per person/family per year to allow others an opportunity to request Masses for their loved ones. If we had fifteen people each requesting ten Masses, that would leave about 98 at Holy Trinity and about 18 at Historic St Patrick for the remainder of the congregation.

• Mass intentions are $10 each.
• 6 Masses can be requested per person/family at both Holy Trinity & Historic St Patrick each year. Requests over six will be said privately. Payments are to be made to the respective church.
• For those requesting only weekend Masses, we currently limit the number of weekend Masses to two per family, allowing everyone an opportunity to offer a Mass on a weekend.
• We cannot accept requests for Masses more than 1 year out.
• Requests for the following year can be submitted starting July 1st, and are done on a first-come, first served basis.
• While requests for public Masses are limited, there is no limit on requests for private Masses. (Private Masses are said by our retired priests, or by our priests when thy are not scheduled for a public Mass.)

To request Mass intentions, please contact Jen at 309-829-2197.