People of the Promised Land Part II – Jan 8 thru May 21

6:30-8pm Wednesday evenings Jan 8th thru May 21st
Historic St Patrick Hall

Call 309-829-2197 if interested in attending

As we explore People of the Promised Land Part II, we will see that God is at work to reclaim and restore what sin had ruined. We will see that God is active in history, in cultures and in individual lives to accomplish His purpose for His creation. The entire Bible, Old Testament and New, is God’s story. He is the author and its focus. No story is greater; no promise truer; and no message more urgent. Come and join fellow Christians as we explore the Books of 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, and several others. These books, along with the entire Bible, depict the greatest events in history as they are all part of God’s plan to save the world from sin and death through His Son, Jesus Christ. Through this study and active group discussion, look to God to transform your life as you ask Him to help you to follow and trust Him more each day. Please join our Bible study starting at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 8 at Historic St. Patrick’s Parish Hall. The meeting will adjourn promptly at 8:00 p.m. Our final Bible study will conclude on Wednesday, May 21. Each week there will be bible readings, questions & answers, group discussion, “food for thought” notes, and group prayer. We will also serve light refreshments. The study group will be coordinated by Kevin and Becky Vannatta. Please join us for these learning and fellowship meetings. It will be a great way for you to get to know some of your fellow Christians and to prepare for Lent and Easter.